Submitting manuscripts
We don't have guidelines for submitting manuscripts for a reason—the way you decide to submit your work will tell us a lot about you, e.g., how professional and organised you are. You may email your work to
We are particularly interested in non-fiction book proposals, ideally for a grown-up audience, and especially those written by zoologists, botanists, or ecologists who have the appropriate background, expertise, and a proven ability to write in an engaging, informative, and professional manner.
We are happy to receive novel proposals, provided they have a link to nature and, ideally, do not include elements of fantasy or supernatural.
At the moment, we are not considering picture book proposals, especially those that are written in rhyme or follow a similar format.
Manuscripts that mention fairies won't be considered either.
Please be aware that we generally respond only to submissions that seem like a good match for Natural World Publishing, and we will aim to do so within two weeks of receiving the manuscript for review.